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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » mtaa s portable first solo show audio tour extended dance mix:

Jul 14, 2007

MTAA’s Portable First Solo Show Audio Tour & Extended Dance Mix

posted at 02:24 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

The true MTAA-headz (is there such a thing?) out there will appreciate this (I hope).

Back in January 2000 MTAA had a solo show at a small gallery on the Lower East Side called Walden. The place is long gone, but evidence of our show persists.

For the show we created an audio tour. MP3s of the audio tour have been offline for a while, but I decided to put them back online (unsure why they were offline in the first place). Anyway, here they are:

MTAA’s Portable First Solo Show Audio Tour & Extended Dance Mix.
(Note: each track name links to an MP3 audio file.)

Track 1: The MTAA Promise (it looked more or less like this (PDF))

Track 2: TIME!® @ PS1 aka The Big Blue Summer (this piece had to do with our TIME® project)

Track 3: DYHAP Museum Plan (this piece related to Direct To Your Home Art Projects)

Track 4: V-TAV: "Group Text" Hard Copy Version (check out the exhibition)

Track 5: Site Unseen Tracking Poster (a sculptural version of Website Unseen)

Track 6: 99 Steps to Contemporary Art in Your Bedroom (check out the 99 Steps online)

Bonus Extended Dance Mix: Empty You by Yab Yum (Johnny Gould & Chris Flam)


All the tracks were mixed by Cary Peppermint (working under the alias CP_V70), except the bonus track which was created by Yab Yum. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » twhid » mtaa s portable first solo show audio tour extended dance mix

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.