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MTAA-RR » off-line art:

Documentation of our off-line art projects. Click "read more »" to see detailed documentation.

Simple Net Art Diagram
1997, digital image
thisisamagazine issue 13; Protocol: How Control Exists after Decentralization; TIME!®; etc

MTAA has released has released multiple formats of the Simple Net Art Diagram. In addition, the artwork has been put into the public domain via a CC0 license (see below).

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AutoTrace #1 (Full Fathom Five)
2005, digital image
not yet exhibited

MTAA has released their digital image “AutoTrace #1 (Full Fathom Five)” under a Creative Commons license. Please read the license, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, before using the image.

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Commons Art Diagram
2007, digital image
The Art Happens Here, as part of iCommons Summit '07, Dubrovnik, Croatia

The Commons Art Diagram is a digital image that illustrates where the ‘art happens’ or the ‘art could happen’ within the alternate sharing economy.

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10 Pre-Rejected, Pre-Approved Performances: Midnight In The Deli
2005, web page, $100 worth of deli goods, digital video, wood
Artists' Space, We are all Together: Media(ted) Performance

“10 Pre-Rejected, Pre-Approved Performances” was a list of performance-based artworks that had been rejected by curators at various venues worldwide. An on-line vote via the MTAA website determined which performance was created. Documentation of the performance and voting process was shown as the final piece.

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3’ High & Rising, Newark
2006, wooden platform, gallery reception desk
Aljira Emerge 7

Another in our series (1, 2) of gallery reception desk mods/interventions, “3’ High & Rising, Newark” took Aljira’s reception desk and placed it 3 feet above the gallery floor.

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Win Our Friendship
2000, C-print, index cards, pen, wooden box
Me & My Friends, 57Hope, Brooklyn, NY, USA;
friendly fire, project, Toronto, Ontario, Canada;
(718): A Bridge To Brooklyn, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI, US

A framed photograph announcing the opportunity to win the artists’ friendship for one month.

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2000, large format inkjet print, computer, Yahoo!
Bi-Virtue, star67, Brooklyn, NY

Original Proposal:
MTAA proposes to extend the exhibition space of star67 gallery, brooklyn, by the amount of 3 megabytes of disk space on the servers of

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Happy Fun Summer Rebellion
2000, performance installation: wooden signs, customized police barricades, food, beer, certificates
A Day At The Beach, PS1 Art Center, Queens, NY

MTAA barricaded themselves into an area of the PS1 courtyard on a misty summer day.

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Pirated Movie - A Pirated Screening of The Pirates of The Caribbean
2003, DVD-Video documentation of a live performance
Postmasters, New York, NY

Pirated Movie was a screening of a pirated version of Disney’s Pirates of The Caribbean, The Curse of The Black Pearl. The pirated video was screened in black and white and silently while five of NYC’s most interesting artists, DJs, and musicians provided a completely new soundtrack live during the screening.

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2003, postcards, digital C-prints, custom plywood frame, digital images
Rome Arts, Brooklyn, NY

MTAA created a single, digital image for a solo show at Rome Arts.

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Contemporary Gargoyle—Black (Soap) Box
2002, plywood, telephones, C-print, recorded messages
The Omega Manual, Smack Mellon Studios, Brooklyn, NY

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Lo-Fi Message Board
2001, chalk board paint, chalk
Creative Time's Cell Lounge at The Meat Market Art Fair, New York, NY

Lo-Fi MB was a temporary site specific installation.

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In Preparation For The Reversal of Gravity (AKA Flying Buttress)
1995-2001, industrial springs, cement block, C-prints
Socrates Sculpture Park, Queens, NY; Tipping Point, White Columns, New York, NY

Originally a site specific installation by M.River (AKA Mike Sarff) at Socrates Sculpture Park,

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Direct To Your Home Art Projects Museum Model
1999, custom table, architectural model, doll house furniture, ephemera
Our New Stealth Model of Careerism, Walden Gallery, NYC, NY; - the show, 31 Grand, Brooklyn, NY

This sculpture is documentation of MTAA’s famous Direct To Your Home Art Projects (DYHAP) which were conducted online and via the US mail from November 1997 through November 1998.

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Endnode (AKA Printer Tree)
2002, plywood, inkjet printers, 8 1/2" x 11" office paper, cables, computer, email discussion lists
Beta Launch: Eyebeam Artists in Residence '02, Eyebeam Atelier, New York, NY

Endnode is a networked sculpture that literally and figuratively represents the branching of the Internet. Printers nested within the plywood branches of a large “tree” produce hard copies of emails that fall to the ground like leaves or apples, becoming “endnodes” in the worldwide information flow. The general aesthetic of the piece is home-made “Franken-tree.” The emails come from a list created for the project that is centered on art, technology, and communication. Online avatars M. River and T. Whid guide the project.

Visit for details, images, mailing list archive, and other information. permanent link to this post

Dig: A Search For Captain Paine’s Ill-Gotten Loot
1997, tourist brochure/map, record album, certificates
Convergence International Arts Festival, Providence, RI

A treasure hunt through downtown Providence, RI. MTAA distributed brochures throughout the city in hopes of luring the citizens into a mass treasure hunt.

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Restless Crowd Control
2001, video installation, barricades, slide projections
Good Bad Art Collective, Brooklyn, NY

Restless Crowd Control was an environment created for a performance night.

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DC 9/11 - The Evildoers’ Remix
2004, digital video
RNC NODE, Postmasters, New York, NY; The Thing, New York, NY

A guerilla edit of the pro-Bush propaganda film DC 9/11 - A Time of Crisis. The video is a collaboration between new media art duo MTAA, video artist bodyatomic and musician/DJ tinydiva.

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In Preparation For An Attack By Mobs Of Hideously Deformed Radioctive Mutants On 31 Grand (AKA Cage Match)
2003, chainlink fence, blue tarp, 2x4, flourescent light, digital C-print
Dealer's Choice, 31 Grand, Brooklyn, NY

Cage Match was a site specific installation at 31 Grand, a gallery in Brooklyn, NY.

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In Preparation For The Over-Running Of White Columns By Hordes of Bloodthirsty Barbarians (AKA Bunker Flood)
2001, cinder blocks, sand bags, C-print
Tipping Point, White Columns, New York, NY

Bunker Flood was a site specific installation at White Columns in NYC.

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Art Film Slide Advertisements
1997-1999, 35mm slides
4 Walls Slide & Film Club, 4 Walls, Brooklyn, NY; miscellaneous other venues

The Art Film Slide Advertisements are shown before screenings of art films, lectures, panel discussions, or performances.

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1 Year Performance Video (installation version)
2005, plywood, Homasote®, felt, stage, domestic goods, digital video and custom software
not yet exhibited publicly

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The “1 Year Performance Video (installation version)” recasts the set of 1 Year Performance Video as a sculptural tableau with the 1YPV vidoes projected on the rear wall.

Custom-built software runs two video channels independent of one another. Once the software is started it’s programmed to run for one year. The number of days the software has been running is displayed above the video.

The entire stage is rebuilt and encloses the piece. permanent link to this post

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.